Jan 18, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Have you any thoughts as to why your running might be inefficient?

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Mar 5Liked by Marco Altini

Merci Marco pour ce retour d'expérience.

Cela me permets de valider ma tactique de course pour mon prochain marathon. En revanche pour les crampes je pense qu'un renforcement musculaire régulier 1 à 2 fois par semaine entre autre en endurance de force peut être utile.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Thanks for this article.

A Very interesting read, especially as I experienced cramps in my last marathon, occurring around the 26k marker, completely taking my pace down. But I think in my case it looks to be more related to hydration and food, as digging deeper, my HR was actually lower than the previous marathons.

But will keep a close eye out on this one in the future.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Marco, previously your long runs contained the same amount of time but in target race pace?

In a related question, you long runs are slow runs in zone 1/2 or mostly contain tempo efforts?

See you in amstelveen!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Marco, awesome stuff as usual! Curious if you’ve ever raced a cold weather marathon and if that at all changed the outcome? I’m a cold weather racer myself and suffer much in the heat/humidity even once acclimated. Curious what your take is on the following research (not all implying anything by asking, just generally curious): https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2022/06000/Muscle_Cramping_in_the_Marathon__Dehydration_and.22.aspx

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Very interesting read and food for thought for anyone looking to build a better race strategy for a marathon race. I am wondering though how come you haven’t found a way to overcome the cramping either through a better nutrition/hydration strategy and/or specific strength training. Being a heavy sweater, i ‘ve found sodium loading to be a game changer in my longer events and that used to be the no1 reason of failed races for me. Hopefully i’ll be as well in Barcelona in March for a sub3 attempt. Best wishes for healthy races!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Marco Altini

Thanks for sharing. Your writing is detailed and provides a lot of moments of reflection for myself, with regards to my own training and ongoing steady state running in this marathon block.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

Also Marco,

I apologize if this has nothing to do with running economy.

I did a lactate test in a lab some months ago. They found my relative CHO utilization to be very high compared to past ones. Since then, It has been 6 months where I do all longs runs fasted from the previous night and my afternoon after work runs fasted at lest 4 hours.

Do you do some runs fasted or do you fuel for all efforts?

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